Happy November Everyone :D – Fajita Fish Fillets – 1

Is this weather great or what? I’ve been having the windows open almost 2 weeks now. Dusty isn’t sure what to think of the open windows. All kinds of unfamiliar sounds and smells not to mention the breeze in her face lol. Yes I am aware that todays pic is of rain pouring off the roof. I was just curious if my el cheapo digital camera would stop water. It did. Looks kinda cool doesn’t it?

I didn’t have a specific recipe in mind when I sat down this morning as I just wanted to babble and share today. You see, October is over and I’m really glad. I got on the scale on the 29th and like to had a heart attack. I gained 15 lbs in October. Bad juju. What made me suspicious? The hubby started complaining of the horrid racket he politely calls my snoring. Yup, I only do that above a certain weight so it’s a giant red flag for me. I am however, THRILLED to report that last week I lost 10 pounds of that 15! Got up this morning and was down another pound. How did I do it when for over a year I have been stuck at the same weight? Same old story, I raised my calories of course! I’ve been playing with a couple new recipes and one of them is a fantastic dessert which hubby has requested I try in other flavors too cuz it’s frelling awesome in his book. He actually got grumpy when I refused to share and told him to go eat his nasty old cake πŸ˜› No I haven’t taken any pics of it yet but I did decide that I liked the last version enough to write it down so it should appear here rather soon.

I also tried out a recipe that I had been meaning to try for a couple years now. Well not actually a new recipe but a modification of one and then used in a new way. Translated that means I have successfully created, used and eaten, a faux corn tortilla in a batch of enchiladas. As a matter of fact I am having leftover enchilada’s for breakfast today. Serious yum! My hunnybunny insists that next time I make enough for him too. It’s not very often that the first try of a low carb modification turns out so perfect you can’t tell it’s low carb! Of course I promised but now I am wondering if it would bake up dry enough to make a LC tortilla chip. MUST try this out very soon. The idea of chips has me salivating.

My cherry maters are actually starting to make maters but not very many. The hubby worked on the house in the last few weeks but I think that was just to keep his mind off the fact that his bike was in the shop. It’s home now and he is joyfully riding it to work again. This makes me joyful also as it means that I get my truck back. Translation? SHOPPING!!! I have a huge list and need to hit several stores to get it all done. I’m really hoping to get it all done today but if not there is always tomorrow.

Trying to force myself to exercise as soon as he walked out the door just doesn’t work for me and I have finally given up that plan. Structure and exercise just don’t seem to work well for me this year SO currently I tell myself that I have to do some form of exercise while he’s at work. I seem to have settled into a yoga every other day and weights on the off days routine. Am just now getting back into the higher energy levels of being totally on plan so I haven’t been twitching at all. That has to change though as I am now not tired enough to sleep at night when I go to bed due to what appears to be too much energy left at the end of the day <sigh>. I would stay up later but as I am the only reason he gets out of bed to go to work most days that is just not an option.

Fajita Fish Fillets – 1

This may not seem like much of a recipe but it definitely is tasty so give it a try sometime. Just take a few fillets of your fav whitefish and lightly sprinkle them with fajita seasoning. Cover and bake at 350F <preheated oven> for about 20 minutes. While it was just a curiosity experiment the first time with a single fillet, I have done several pounds of fish this way over the summer. Fajita fish goes very nicely with a side of asparagus and mushrooms.

Next time you are looking for something simple yet different try using some of your favorite seasonings in a way you never have before. You just might be surprised how well it turns out.

I plan on doing a few of my not so low carb recipes on here too but don’t worry as they will carefully be labeled as either phase 4 or as high carb. Now I need to run off to try and get some of this shopping done.

Have a happy!

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